VOICE RECORDING! With a simple click of a button, VMailBLAZE allows visitors to send voice messages from anywhere on your website. Create a custom button or use the stock VMailBLAZE side button for convenience. Our unique platform provides a hosted portal page to receive messages without the inconvenience of having to install anything onto your website.
VIDEO RECORDING! With a simple click of a button, VMailBLAZE allows visitors to send video messages from anywhere on your website. Create a custom button or use the stock VMailBLAZE side button for convenience. Our unique platform provides a hosted portal page to receive messages without the inconvenience of having to install code onto your website.
SCREEN RECORDING! With a simple click of a button, VMailBLAZE allows visitors to send screen recordings from anywhere on your website. Create a custom button or use the stock VMailBLAZE side button for convenience. Our unique platform provides a hosted portal page to receive messages without the inconvenience of having to install code onto your website.
CONTACT BOOK! Create a contact book by prompting visitors to enter their contact information before sending a message. By default these fields are optional, but can be changed to mandatory in your profile settings. This will help you to build your contact list.
EASY ACCESS! All messages are stored within your VMailBLAZE account mailbox and can be accessed from any computer or mobile device at any time. Download options are available, designed to help users share voice messages, video messages and screen recordings on your website or podcast.